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The Real Story & Forbidden Knowledge

The Gap Cycle 1 & 2
  • Author
    • Stephen Donaldson
Regular price £12.99
Regular price Sale price £12.99
  • Published: Mar 07 2019
  • Pages: 544
  • 196 x 130mm
  • ISBN: 9781473225527
A powerful and intense sf tale from a master storyteller

In the far future, gap drives faster-than-light deep space travel, but sometimes this afflicts some with irreparable brain damage. A Zone Implant can turn such a person into a zombie, to protect his shipmates, but it's highly illegal.

Ensign Morn Hyland works for the United Mining Company, which is in charge of law enforcement throughout known space. She lives aboard a police ship, together with most of her family; their job is to chase down pirates and other illegals who prey on the weak, or smuggle goods into forbidden space. Her life is nothing out of the ordinary - until she falls in with the pirate Captain Nick Succorso. All of a sudden, the young, strong, beautiful police officer appears to be falling in love - well, lust at least - with the murdering pirate, or so it appears to the folk at the space station's bar.

But the real story was quite different ...
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